Can You Get Relieved from Dry Cough with Herbal Syrup?
Speaking of cough, it is a reflex action that clears the airline of irritants and mucus. There are two sorts of cough: productive and non-productive. A productive cough produces phlegm or mucus, clearing it right from the lungs. A non-productive cough, a dry cough, does not produce any mucus or phlegm. Everything right from allergies to acid reflux could trigger a dry cough. In some instances, there are even no apparent causes.
Regardless of the cause, an ongoing dry cough can severely impact your day-to-day life, primarily if it is adverse or worse at night. Indeed, you can take the excellent syrup and reap the healthy benefits of herbal syrup. After all, there is nothing that you cannot do when you start taking proper precautions.
Common Symptoms of cough you must know.
An individual suffering from this condition displays the following signs:
– Burning sensation or suffocation in their chest
– Often dry cough
– Phlegm/sputum production
– Dryness in their mouth, extensive thirst, bitter taste
– Pain in the area of heart, head, temples, abdomen, sides
– Irritability
– Fever
– Sore throat, hoarseness of your voice
– Nausea after consuming food.
– Challenges in swallowing food
– Weariness, weakness
It is good to understand that, contrary to dry cough, the medical term for a wet cough is productive cough. The cough is an outcome of the presence of mucus or other sorts of fluid inside your upper or lower respiratory tract. It may emerge in conditions affecting one or both lungs, the bronchi, the larynx, or even the pharynx. It could even be associated with more generalized conditions, like fever, cold, or flu.
Common Causes
Some of the prime causes of dry cough are respiratory tract infections, suppression of vomiting, Sinusitis, Pneumonia, and inflammation due to irritants or allergens. The last reason is the most certain one! Once dry coughs are motivated by lengthy exposure to high pollution levels, allergy, dust, and toxic smoke (such as cigarettes), it is known as ‘Vataja Kasa’ in Ayurveda. To protect your respiratory system must have strong immunity. Still, with inadequate nutrition, and uneven lifestyle, and increasing environmental toxicity, it is hard for your body to fight back. However, if you start taking proper herbal syrup simultaneously, you can ensure that your health stays in the best shape.
How Ayurvedic Treats your Dry Cough?
You can easily find syrups like syrup for dry cough, and it would work for you for sure. It is crucial to know that Prana Vayu and Udana Vayu (types of Vata) govern the respiratory system. When viruses, allergens, and bacteria mar these, irritation takes place. As a countermeasure, the body forcibly expels air to eliminate the obstruction. The body’s Vata (biological air) balance is reduced during this process and activates Vataja Kasa.
Are there Ayurvedic home remedies for the issue of dry cough?
If you are suffering from Dry cough, then you can quickly try out these effective Ayurvedic home remedies:
– Before bedtime, you must develop a habit of drinking warm milk with turmeric and honey. It acts as a natural antibiotic.
– Intake turmeric powder mixed up with honey three times a day.
– Liquorice (Mulethi) lozenges to remove inflammation.
– Make proper use of a decoction of Sauf (Ani seeds) as the base water to make your coffee or tea.
– Sooth the infected throat pipe with good natural cough syrup formed by blending ginger and honey. It would help if you boiled a bit of ginger (peeled) in water. Then filter and blend 1 tsp of honey and consume. If you want, you can also chew tiny pieces of ginger sprinkled with water for its anti-inflammatory ingredients.
– Add a pinch of cinnamon powder in your warm water or tea for relief from your throat touchiness
– Take tea that is formed up of Tulsi (Basil leaves), ginger, and even honey
– You can even chew Tulsi leaves throughout the day for good recovery
– Don’t forget to make some crucial lifestyle changes like:
– Avoid interaction with allergens (like pollution, pollen, dust etc.)
– Refrain from any dry, junk, or spicy food
– A nourishing diet should be taken in small quantities (preferably as soups) till digestive Agni turns out to be strong
– Take an incredible amount of rest
– Consumption of clean, room temperature/warm water
– Do Pranayama for building lung’s health
– Evade irritants like that of smoke from mosquito coils, incense, etc
– Go for strict food and sleep schedule. Take dinner even before the sunset
– Install a humidifier in the bedroom
– Take up food that is rich in Vitamin C to strengthen the immune system
Is there any Ayurvedic treatment approach for dry cough?
Apart from these various home remedies, the Vaids prescribe medicinal preparations depending on patients’ dosha composition (Vata- Kapha- Pitta balance) and illness symptoms. Today, Ayurveda has liberal and advanced medicines for curing related ailments such as irritating dry cough, throat infection, chronic fever, and even respiratory ailments. For example, Draksharishta, Ekotharavrudhimahalakshmivilasarasa, Vaikrantabaddaras, Pravalachandrodaya, Talisadi Churna, and more.
You may also take up good syrup or herbs.
It would help if you gave for your cough, and it will work effectively for your throat. This syrup is a proper mixture of two medicines: Chlorpheniramine Maleate and Phenylephrine, which relieves any cold symptoms. Chlorpheniramine Maleate is an anti-allergic that relieves allergy symptoms like watery eyes, runny nose, and even sneezing. Phenylephrine is a decongestant that slims the small blood vessels offering relief from congestion or even staidness in the nose.
It is one of the premium ayurvedic solutions for cough, cold, and other respiratory tract infections without any side effects.
Once you start consuming it regularly, you will experience a difference in days. Your cough will leave your body altogether, and you would not need to take anything else for a solution. The most pleasing thing is that the herb does not have side effects. Various people have stopped taking anything for their cough, fever, and other health conditions because they feel that the medicines have different side effects. Well, in the case of this syrup, you would not find any irritation, dryness, or even pain. It is excellent and safe for anyone to consume.
In other words, good syrup like this one is an ayurvedic cough syrup that is 100% vegetarian and does not have any alcohol. It has anti-inflammatory & proper antimicrobial powers and is advantageous in common cold, cough, and even other respiratory tract infections without any discomfort or side effects.
So, once you take proper precautions and consume herbal syrups, you can be sure that you get rid of your dry cough in no time. After all, it is all about taking care of your health and that too without any side effects.