Nowadays, everyone is concerned about their health and is becoming health conscious, but their words don’t meet their actions. People are having a poor diet and eating junk food which is unhealthy, oily, and contains lots of fat, but at the same time, they expect a healthy life. The lifestyle of people is changing; they sleep and wake up late in the morning. Food habits are changing, there is no fixed time for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and they skip meals.
Physical activity is neglected. People do not go on a walk, running and they are not ready to do any exercise. In traditional times, people used to go to their work on cycle or foot. But nowadays, people use two-wheelers, cars, etc., and they are not ready to do any physical activity because of their busy lifestyle. But the idiom ‘health is wealth’ proves to be true for all. Everything is connected with wellness. Without being healthy we cannot enjoy any moment of life. If one has a proper and healthy diet, then he/she will remain healthy.
A healthy and balanced diet is a must for all age groups and gender. One should try to make a habit of consuming a healthy diet. All types of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, fibres should be present in the proper amount. Lack of any type of vitamin, minerals leads to deficiency and causes health issues. The absence of a balanced diet leads to disturbed body functioning. You must have heard people complaining about the loss of appetite.
Loss of appetite takes place when you have less craving to eat and reduced hunger, in medical terms, it is called anorexia. Decreased appetite can be the result of mental and physical illness. Loss of weight and malnutrition are symptoms of loss of appetite. It is very important to treat it as it can become serious if left untreated. The appetite can return to normal if the reason behind its loss is treated well. You can also consume appetizer syrup which helps in increasing your hunger. Various causes of loss of appetite are as follows:
- Bacterial and Viral Infection: Bacterial, viral, fungal infections in the body can lead to loss of appetite. Loss of appetite can result from pneumonia, colitis, gastroenteritis, skin infections, and respiratory infections. If the issue is treated well, it can help in making your appetite back to normal.
- Psychological causes: Reduced appetite can result from some psychological reason. Adults experience loss of appetite due to psychological reasons. Change in emotions can also be the reason for reduced appetite like sadness, anxiety, stressed, boredom, or depressed can lead to reduced appetite. Eating disorder or losing weight is also the cause of loss of appetite. People having fear of gaining weight can lead to malnutrition.
- Medical causes: Various medical reasons which can result in loss of appetite: kidney or heart failure, HIV, chronic liver disease, hepatitis, cancer. Cancer can cause a reduced appetite if cancer is in the stomach, ovaries, colon, and pancreas. At the time of the first trimester period of pregnancy, it can lead to decreased appetite.
- Medicines: Various medicines can cause reduced appetite. Medicines that cause loss of appetite are morphine, antibiotics, codeine. Medicines recommended at the time of chemotherapy can also result in reduced appetite. Illegal drugs like heroin, cocaine can also lead to loss of appetite.
Loss of appetite can be cured up to some extent by eating with family and friends, eating your favorite food, eating out at restaurants. Eating small meals frequently is easier as compared to eating large meals. Doing physical activity is very helpful as it helps in increasing hunger.
If loss of appetite is left untreated it can result in serious issues, if it is due to medical conditions. In the case of the short-term condition, there are chances that you will recover naturally. In serious cases it can lead to loss of weight, increased heart rate, fever, extreme fatigue, and feeling of illness, it can also result in life-threatening complications. Seeking medical attention becomes necessary in some cases. You can increase your appetite in the following ways:
- Frequently eat small meals: It is better to consume small meals frequently rather than consuming large meals. It can be motivating to eat smaller meals.
- Consume nutrients rich diet: People with a reduced appetite should avoid food with fewer nutrients; they should rather concentrate on foods that provide you calories and comprise a lot of nutrients like protein, calcium, and healthy fats. For instance, if you want to eat pizza, you can make it at your home and add cheese and extra vegetables which can provide you more nutrients.
- Have a meal with others: Loss of appetite can be cured up to some extent by eating with family and friends, eating your favorite food, eating out at restaurants. Eat while watching TV or listening to songs or watching interesting shows which will help in increasing the food intake and helps you to enjoy your food.
- Eat your favorite food: Eat food that you like, it doesn’t mean that you should eat a burger, pizza; rather you should try to eat your favorite vegetables and add some herbs and spices to enhance the taste.
- Do exercise: By doing exercise or physical activity, it helps in burning calories which in turn will increase your hunger and will help in increasing the food intake.
- Avoid beverages before and with the meals: Drinking beverages before or during the meals make you eat less by reducing the appetite. Avoid drinking water 30 minutes before meals as it fills up your stomach and will leave less space for the food.
- Include more calories into your meals: Increase the number of calories in your meals by adding olive oil, butter, and whole milk. This will help in increasing the total calorie intake.
- Avoid skipping breakfast: Skipping breakfast leads you to eat less for the whole day. Have a healthy breakfast by adding healthy sandwiches, juices in your breakfast.
To increase appetizer in your body you can use LIV 13 Ayurvedic Syrup which is very effective in removing all the toxins from your body and is the best appetizer syrup. The syrup helps in improving the overall health and boosts metabolism. In case of loss of appetite, this syrup is very useful, as it helps in increasing the hunger. The syrup also has the properties of anti-inflammatory and analgesic which is very useful to rectify liver disorders. The ingredients in the syrup help in improving the health of the liver.
The ingredients of the syrup like Himsara have the properties of anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and blood purifying. It helps in curing the liver and digestive disorders. It is used in a lot of Ayurvedic medicines and its botanical source is Capparis Spinosa. Kasni is the perfect ingredient to treat the lack of appetite and various gastrointestinal problems like gastritis and digestive problems. It helps in purifying the blood and provides strength to the stomach. Arjuna is used for detoxifying the blood and enhances the energy level and stamina in the body. It is a great antioxidant. Bhringaraja promotes the healthy functioning of the liver and thus improves metabolism because the liver is the main site of metabolism.
LIV 13 Ayurvedic Syrup is enriched with natural herbs which help in improving the metabolism and promote appetite and growth in the body.