How Ayurvedic Herbs Relieve Joint Pains, Stiffness, Strain?
Every organ or part of the body must keep working smoothly if you want to live your life to the fullest. If any of the organs are not working correctly, you will not live a happy or healthy life. That is why there is a strong need for humans to take care of their bodies instead of underestimating them. We underestimate many problems or issues that arise in our body, including pain in joints. We forget to massage our joints when painting as we think it is normal. But sometimes, the minor issues can become so significant, and we need to prevent them.
If you feel pain in your bones or joints, then instead of ignoring it, you must find the solutions for the same. Most people may suggest you take pain killers as soon as you experience pain in your joints but frankly speaking, painkillers affect your body organs directly and harm them. Painkillers should not be consumed regularly or very often as they can affect your liver or kidneys. It will help if you look for a natural treatment to get rid of those joint pains.
The best oil to choose to avoid joint pain is Relief On by Torque Ayurveda. All the natural herbs are mixed to make this oil to treat various joint pain or problems like muscle stiffness. Instead of looking for the surgeries, you must search for ayurvedic medicine for joint pain. The joints are connected to our bones and help us to move. So, if you want to move comfortably, you must make sure that your joints are working. If you face pain in the joint, it can also cause swelling if you try to move in that situation. Not only this, but muscle stiffness or soreness can also be one of the symptoms we can experience.
If we ignore this issue, it can create a severe issue in our joints. There can be many causes behind the problem of joint pain. Some of them are:
- Lifting heavyweight
- Doing heavy physical activity
- Risk of disease like gout, arthritis, osteoporosis, etc.
- No physical activity
- The genetic issue, and so on.
There is a need to go for only natural treatment like using Relief on oil made from ayurvedic herbs essential for treating severe joint pain. Some of the ayurvedic herbs essential are:
- Sesame oil: The natural oil extracted from sesame seeds is the best oil that can be used to massage your joints. There are many nutritional properties in sesame, including minerals, copper, calcium, zinc, etc. Sesame oil can help you stimulate blood circulation in the body. The bone density can be increased with the presence of zinc. The properties present in sesame oil also help reduce inflammation or swelling in the joint. It also possesses omega-3, which is good for our bones.
- Ajwain: Ajwain or carom seeds are the commonly found ingredient in kitchens, and this ingredient is even helpful in reducing pain in joints. The anti-inflammatory properties are present in carom seeds. Ajwain can heal the pain that you are experiencing from arthritis. The anaesthetic properties are also present in ajwain that can reduce severe pain. It can reduce swelling as well. You can start consuming ajwain in a daily routine or only use Relief On oil as ajwain is one of the ingredients of this oil.
- Taliban: This ayurvedic herb is also known as eucalyptus, the most important herb to treat arthritis. The swelling caused in the joint due to stiffness can be reduced with the help of taliparna. This oil can treat internal injuries, back pain, knee pain, etc. This oil is also used in many ointments to relieve joint pain or arthritis.
- Lavang: Lavang is also known as cloves and is widely used in Indian dishes. This is one of the spices that can be found in your kitchen. There are some natural chemicals present in cloves that can ease the pain. You can also add this herb to your diet by adding it in soups, making a hot drink or tea, or can add it in your smoothie, and so on. It can reduce the inflammation in your joint that is causing pain.
- Dhatura: The parts of dhatura plants, including leaves, fruits, flowers, stems, etc., are helpful in many ways. It is used in making many medications and even to perform therapies. Dhatura is also used to provide relief from pain during bone surgery. Many other health benefits are also offered by dhatura, including treatment of fever, medicine for sound sleep, good skin health, healthy heart, and so on. It can even boost your immunity. In Relief On oil, dhatura is one of the essential herbs. In arthritis or during muscle spasms, dhatura can be proved to be very helpful. This means you can get Relief from your swelling or pain in joint pain with this herb.
- Karpura: Karpura is also known as camphor and is used to relieve the pain in bones. The camphor includes many anti-arthritis, anti-rheumatic, anti-phlogistic properties suitable for your joint pain. If you feel the strain in your joints, Karpura can be beneficial. It can reduce the various aches in muscles or bones. You don’t have to prepare anything special as you can get all these benefits by applying for Relief On oil in the affected area.
- Pudina: Pudina or mint is also an ayurvedic herb that can solve your joint pain or arthritis problem. It can even cure nerve damage, as proved by a study. It can have a cooling effect on your skin, taking away the inflammation or pain. They have pain-killing properties present, and that is why it is beneficial. You may be thinking of using Pudina to get rid of joint pain or stiffness, so here is the answer as you don’t have to worry. You can only use Relief On oil, which already has pudina in it.
- Gandhapura: You may not have heard much about this ayurvedic herb, but it is beneficial for relieving joint pain. Any pain associated with your muscle or joint can be treated with this herb. Back pain, knee pain, stiffness, sprains, swellings, etc., can be solved with this herb. You can massage with this oil to get rid of pain, swelling, or whatever you face.
So, these herbs can be used as an ayurvedic treatment for arthritis, joint pain, muscle stiffness, etc. The Relief On oil can relieve you from every kind of chronic pain with just a massage, and it will have a long-term impact on your body as the ingredients are supernatural. If you face pain in the toe, hands, muscle, elbow, joints, or muscle stiffness strain, you can use this oil on the affected area. It can give your body extra energy and be used twice as required.