HIMSARA: Himsara is an important drug used in several formulations of Ayurvedic medicine and its botanical source is Capparis spinosa. Himsara possesses properties like anti-inflammatory, analgesic, blood purifier, cardiotonic and is used in the management of liver disorders, digestive disorders.
KAKAMACHI: It is screened for only anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, antiseptic, antispasmodic, or immuno-modulator activities.
KASNI: It is recommended in the treatment of gastrointestinal problems like digestive difficulties, gastritis and lack of appetite. In traditional medicine, all parts of the plant, especially root and leaves are used as laxative, antibilious, antipyretic, blood purification and strengthening of the stomach. It is also used as an appetizer.
ARJUNA: Arjuna has an astringent effect which acts to detoxify the blood. It helps to improve energy levels in the body and stimulates stamina. Arjuna extract acts as a very useful antioxidant for the body.
BHRINGARAJA: Bhringraj is good for healthy functioning of the liver. The liver is the main site of metabolism of the body and this herb is used to improve metabolism. It provides strength to the liver and cures various liver disorders and promotes overall liver health.
BHUMYAAMLAKI: It is used for various medicinal disorders like loss of appetite. It is used for maintaining liver function tests. It acts as a tonic for an individual. It is used for purification of blood.
PUNARNAVA: It acts as an immunity booster. It is extensively used to rejuvenate the liver and detoxify. It has the ability to rejuvenate the whole body and health as it strengthens the body and normalizes doshas.
GUDUCHI: Guduchi helps in boosting up the immune system. It helps to remove extra toxins from the body and rejuvenates the body. This herb helps to maintain a balance between all necessary ailments of the body. This herb helps to prevent the body from diseases and maintain overall health.
DARUHARIDRA: Roots of daruharidra are hepatoprotective in nature and fight against liver toxicity. Fruit of this herb is an appetizer, helps to stimulate digestive fire.
AMALAKI: This herb protects us from various viral, fungal and bacterial infections.
VIDANGA: This herb is a rejuvenating herb that provides good health and energy to the body. It acts as a blood cleanser and is used to clear extra toxins circulating in the body.
HARITAKI: Haritaki is an herb with versatile effects and this single herb is used to cure various disorders associated with the body. It is also used to increase appetite.
PARPATA: It is a potential source of natural antioxidant. It is also useful as a bitter tonic for liver disorders.
KUTKI: It helps to treat liver, digestion ailments and manage the levels of the enzyme.
AARAGWADH: Problems of indigestion like flatulence, belching, loss of appetite, feeling of fullness, etc. can be regulated with its use.
ROHITAKA: It acts as an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory.
KIRATA: This herb is packed with hepatoprotective properties. It helps to maintain the overall good health of the liver as it removes toxins from the body. Moreover, it also helps in regeneration of new liver cells.
PIPALI: This herb helps to transport nutrients and help to eliminate wastes from the body. It helps to maintain blood circulation and enhances the immune system.
KACHUR: stimulant, tonic, depurative, vertigo, during pregnancy
PATHA: Patha is an effective appetizer and used to cure anorexia, indigestion. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is used as a blood purifier.
TRIVRT: This herb also supports the good health of the liver. It helps in the cleansing of the liver by the removal of toxins.
TULSI: It is very effective in autoimmune diseases. It acts as an anti-oxidants and detoxifier.
NEEM: It is the best natural herb for the cleansing of blood and used as a blood purifier. It acts as an antioxidant and is used to boost the immune system of the body.
SAUNF: It maintains circulation, corrects metabolism.
JHAVUKA: Improves appetite & it is utilized as a diuretic and a tonic.
SARPOOKHA: This herb is very useful for liver disorders. It helps in the detoxification of the liver and also helps in the regeneration of new liver cells.
AGNIMATH: Boost the immune system and purify the blood. It helps to expel extra waste from the body.
CHANGERI RAW HERB: It is the best herb rich in vitamin- C. It is a natural supplement used to fight against body infection. It is rich in antioxidants and has the ability to fight against free radicals.